Darlene Lam Po Tang – 1998 JCI Curepipe President

07 Jun

Spirited and on the move!
25 years of existence, JCI Curepipe has years of deeds and projects to show off but the most amazing feat is its ability to maintain its fresh and upbeat approach and philosophy.  It is the members who have successfully maintained the tradition of openness, dedication, fellowship, laughter, fun and professionalism all mixed up in projects for the community and personal leadership development.

As a past president, I am still honored to have been part of the crew of JCI Curepipe.  You have to live it to understand it and years later I am still benefitting from my time and experience at JCI Curepipe.  During my year of presidency, my motto was “Make it Happen!” and during that year we, the executive committee and the members, strived to make things happen.  The ambiance was fun and friendly, we were all like family.  We used to have our members meeting in Manhattan Complex where there used to be a bowling alley.  We did our meetings in a circle to facilitate communication and this enhanced the closeness we felt as members.  The fellowship also extended to the other clubs and all the presidents were very close to each other as we made conscious efforts to live and share the philosophy of JCI.

Yes 25 years already!  Moments to savor and what I consider the most important aspect is the human factor… you learn to develop your interpersonal skill, you learn the humane side of things, you learn to cherish the other person because at the end of the day nobody gets paid to do that they do at JCI, you learn how to work with the others not because you are forced to or you are ordered to but because you want to.   And being at JCI Curepipe was an added bonus because the very essence of JCI Curepipe allows its members to grow healthily.

Years later, whenever I meet someone I knew at JCI Curepipe, I still feel that time has not changed.  As if we last met each other yesterday, the warmth and fellowship are still alive and kicking!  I have not been involved with JCI for such a long time but I can see that the current members of JCI Curepipe are proudly and enthusiastically lifting the club to new heights with the same spirit that fired all the members for 25 years.   I am sure that for the next 25 years, JCI Curepipe will still be flying high!

Darlene Lam Po Tang

1998 JCI Curepipe President


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