First timer at Natcon

05 Nov

Since I joined JCI this year, I knew that I was embarking on a journey full of enriching experiences and exciting adventures.
So far, I have been able to expand my knowledge about JCI, and I am still discovering the organization in all its aspects.
In the same vein, attending the JCI Mauritius National Convention for the first time, helped me to have an insight about the procedural system, code of conducts and the way the election is done.
The way the event was conducted with utmost professionalism from beginning till the end amazed me.
As a first timer, it was a good learning experience, especially through the knowledge sharing of experienced members, which made me even more enthusiastic to serve my organization.
I also had the opportunity to bond with members from the other local organizations through the fun activities.
Undoubtedly, this event inspired me to pursue my career at JCI and to get onboard in the years to come to create a positive impact for our society.

Diksha Ghoorbin


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