International day against drug abuse – Anou Kompren Nu Societé

15 Jul


Dear Readers,

Each year, 26th June marks the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. This years’ theme is ‘Better Knowledge for Better Care’ which emphasizes the need to improve the understanding of the world drug problem and how in turn, better knowledge will foster greater international cooperation for countering its impact on health, governance and security. In this article, we will share with you what we have done to combat this insidious disease in our society.

Drug abuse is a problem faces by all facets of society irrespective of age, sex, gender, religion, ethnicity and social background. We, at JCI Curepipe did not remain indifferent.

Since 2016, JCI Curepipe has been working on a project titled ‘Anou Kompren Nu Societé’ – Combating Drug Abuse. This project was an outcome of the community needs analysis within the JCI Active Citizenship Framework (ACF). Other guidelines have also been referred to in carrying the project forward that includes World Bank Consultation Guidelines and the Community Planning Toolkit.

Anou Kompran Nu Societe was launched on the 5th of August 2017 at the Curepipe College. The strategy decided was to conduct ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ in the regions of Curepipe where the drug rate is the highest according to the statistics provided by Statistics Mauritius, Municipal Councillors and Crime Prevention Unit.

JCI Curepipe has since then been rolling out neighbourhood watch sessions in different regions in Curepipe, being 16eme Mille targeting inhabitants of Cite Anoushka, Forest Side and Cite La Brasserie.

Working to eradicate drug and specially to attain the objectives set for this project has not been easy. However, we have relentlessly done our best to achieve the best possible solution to the problems targeted. Our little actions taken to combat drug abuse can change the lives of an individual. The project was acclaimed as the most impactful project in 2018 by the JCI Mauritius ACF and Global Goals Committee; which also recommended the project to be carried out at national level as a National ACF Flagship Project as from 2019 whereby all local organisations in Mauritius adopted this project in their communities.

As part of our vision, we are looking forward to spread and host more sessions in other regions of Plaine Wilhems whereby Drug Abuse is having a toll. However, due to the Covid-19 situation, the project had to be put on hold for the first 6 months of the year, now that things are slowly going back to normal, and so Is the project. We are planning to finalize the set up of the neighbourhood watch at Engrais martial in the coming month and make a second awareness session at forest side.

We also take this opportunity to invite you to read the World Drug Report 2020 here which was on the 25th June 2020 where you will get insights on the:

  • Effects of COVID-19 on drug markets
  • Trends in supply chains and drug use
  • Changes in trafficking routes and production practices
  • Reasons why disadvantaged groups face more harm from legal and illicit drug markets

And much more…

If you want to join forces so that we can set up more Neighbourhood Watch in more regions around the island, send us a message 😊

#FactsForSolidarity, #WDR2020 #JCIMauritius #ACF #AnouKomprenNuSociete #JCICurepipe #InternationalDayAgainstDrugAbuseAndIllicitTrafficking #NeighbourhoodWatch #NGO #CrimePreventionUnit

Keshav Topsy

2020 Local Vice President



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