Message from JCI Curepipe President Yudish Ramsaha

01 Aug

JCI Curepipe President Yudish RamsahaDear Readers,

It is indeed a great privilege to be able to address these few words to you.

We have now reached halfway through 2013 and despite all the challenges that we faced, looking back at the progress accomplished by our members/aspiring members since the beginning of the year is truly remarkable.

As per the 2013 Plan of Action, projects/activities executed up till now have all been requested by our members themselves. Let’s quickly browse through some of those projects/activities.

As you might already be aware, as JCI members, we are often required to attend formal dinners and banquets whereby proper table etiquette is a very useful art to master. Therefore, the Table Etiquette Workshop was created and was successfully held on the 16th March at the Hotel Catering Centre in Curepipe whereby participants learned both the theoretical and practical side of table etiquette.

JCI Curepipe also hosted the 2013 JCI Mauritius Debate Championship in April and saw the team from JCI Port Louis winning the competition, with the JCI Curepipe team taking the second place. There have been numerous outstanding performances from all participants but the Best Speaker Award was won by JCI Port Louis Team Member Divya Padaruth.

This year, JCI Curepipe’s Flagship project will be the 2013 Health Campaign:” Take Care Lepep”. In line with the Active Citizens Framework and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, UN MDG 6, a JCI Curepipe Team is currently undertaking the analysis phase of this major project and will soon present its findings and decide on the way forward. To further our collaboration with our Health Partner, Link to Life, JCI Curepipe has organized 2 Awareness Sessions on Cervical and Breast Cancer at the Social Centre of Cite Atlee in Curepipe, which were held on the 11th May and 15th June respectively.  Moreover, JCI Curepipe has also facilitated the vaccination of 10 girls aged from 12 to 17 years old from the locality against the Papilloma virus which is the main cause of Cervical Cancer.

To further our bonds of friendship and brotherhood, a Team Bonding Activity was organized and held at the Chamarel Adventure Park on the 16th June and which was followed by a typical Mauritian Cuisine lunch at a restaurant in Chamarel itself. A gathering of members was also organized some time back in March, whereby all those who attended had the chance to share their thoughts and experiences in an informal but yet friendly setting and created new bonds of friendship.

As in previous years, emphasis has been placed upon recruiting new members and as at now 2 recruitment presentations have been held and a third one is scheduled for the beginning of July. We hope that we will soon see our new recruits being active on projects/activities and swear in as members and grasp the opportunities that open up for them.

On the administrative side of the organisation, JCI Curepipe has already drafted a working version of its new constitution and will by the end of this year have it voted and enforced. At Local Board level, appropriate and innovative measures are being taken to tackle issues which have been affecting our beloved organisation and these measures will be enforced with the sole purpose of strengthening and building a solid foundation for the years to come.

There is still a long way to go but I sincerely believe that with the continued support of the Local Board of Directors and members/aspiring members, JCI Curepipe, “United in Brotherhood”, will “Dare to Act” and will create positive changes in our society.

Your in JCI Spirit,

Yudish Ramsaha
2013 JCI Curepipe President

JCI Curepipe (Mauritius) – United In Brotherhood
Mobile: +230-782-6835



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