Recruitment Strategy

29 Sep

With a new stringent mandate from JCI Headquarters that forces Local JCI Chapters to grow beyond the 50 members mark, JCI Curepipe had to revise its recruitment and retention strategy. The recruitment committee together with the JCI Curepipe board thus designed a new recruitment strategy aimed at acquiring and retaining new members. The strategy relies on 4 main features:

1.Identifying the type of members we think would bring the most to JCI and at the same time benefit the most.
2.Market the chapter to this targeted group.
3.Hold recruitment meetings and interviews to further introduce JCI and identify aspirations and fit of potential members.
4.Assist new members in their JCI career by guiding them towards projects where they would benefit the most and having a mentorship program.

The Recruitment committee has been working on the strategy as follows:
The people that we identified as potential fit for the organization are young professionals that have recently begun their career. They are more likely to benefit from the training within JCI and the network. They are also more likely to have the time and motivation needed to help on the projects run by the chapter.
Marketing has been a great success thanks to the 2010 JCI Curepipe Vice President Public Relations, Sabrina Hanoomanjee and to the 2010 JCI Curepipe Web Master, Jacques David Comarmond. The new JCI Curepipe website along with the online marketing campaign through online social networks has resulted in an influx of eager potential members.
Presentation meeting and interviews were regularly held with the support of the 2010 JCI Curepipe Board members.
An initial matching of aspiring members needs with the action plan needs have been performed. However more has to be done regarding the fit matching and mentoring in order to ensure that the strategy designed is fruitful.
Initial feedback from the strategy seems to be positive. Through such a strategy, the JCI Curepipe board this year has taken the bold step of putting members first. JCI Curepipe has been proactive in designing a strategy to address the issue of membership growth and with the help of everyone we are certain to reach our objectives.

Nessen Ramsamy
2010 JCI Curepipe Recruitment Director


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  1. Editor’s Message « JCI Curepipe Newsletter

    September 30, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    […] this edition, we also have an interesting article by Nessen Ramsamy, our recruitment director about our recruitment strategy which seems to be […]